
Together against Corona – Activities at Thyracont

The Corona pandemic is a big challenge for all of us. So we would like to inform you about the measures taken by Thyracont in these special times. For quite a while our company has offered home office for family friendly working and reducing CO2 emissions. With modern cloud systems and flexible tools for online communication we are optimally equipped ...

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Thyracont Vacuum Instruments: Partner company at Jugend forscht

For 50 years, Thyracont has developed and produced vacuum metrology in Germany. Quality and precision are particularly relevant for the operation of our vacuum gauges. Therefore, these values are an important element in all our business divisions. In order to  further meet high standards in the future and to guarantee the continuous development of our company,  active and longstanding research ...

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Chinese space travel and calibration institute chooses Thyracont Vacuum Instruments as their partner

The Chinese space travel pursues ambitious goals which are largely unnoticed in our part of the world.

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Thyracont Vacuum Instruments GmbH is an Authorized Economic Operator (AEO-F)

Thyracont was awarded to the circle of “authorized economic operators” with the highest award “AEO-F” as one of 30 medium-sized companies in Lower Bavaria (1). In combination with the award of “Authorized Exporter” this means a faster handling in customs matters, as well as shorter lead times in international trade guarantees, benefiting all our international customers in the form of shorter delivery times. Triggered by the increasing globalization and the changed international security situation one can attain the status of “authorized economic operator” since the year 2008. This award shows reliability, trustworthiness and brings simplifications in the customs clearance with it.

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Best possible rating according to Basel II

The word “rating” nowadays has the potential to raise one’s hackles – this is not the case for Thyracont Vacuum Instruments GmbH. Thyracont reached the highest category possible for an SME according to BASEL II, rated by its principal bank. A credit rating of “Very good“ – equivalent to “A+“ (Standard & Poor’s) and “A1“ (Moody’s) equals an increase of ...

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