Innovative, intelligent vacuum metrology is our aim. Learn more about our new products, where you can meet our staff and which projects we are committed to.
On March 7th and 8th the Jugend forscht Lower Bavaria regional competition took place in our hometown Passau. 105 participants presented 65 projects, such as complex mathematical theories or environmentally friendly circuit boards.
As an internationally successful company, we have been producing intelligent, innovative vacuum metrology for more than 50 years, making an important contribution to sustainable future technologies in industry and research.
Another turbulent year is coming to an end. We would like to thank you for your confidence in us and are looking forward to continuing our fruitful cooperation in the next year.
Thank you for the mutual co-operation and your confidence in us. We wish you happy holidays and a prosperous New Year! We are pleased to support a number of organisations with a donation in their important work: Mia fia die e.V. – “Weihnachten für jedes Kind” | Gemeinde Freinberg – “Spende für Bedürftige” | Deutsches Komitee für Unicef e.V. | ...
In this year a full truck is on the way to Satu Mare in Romania again, to bring the children Christmas presents. The packages go to kindergarten and schools mainly on the country side where a lot of children live in poor circumstances. This year we are celebrating 51 years in business. As we heard of this wonderfull idea of ...
This year again Thyracont Vacuum Instruments GmbH is pleased to support several associations with a donation: Kinderschutzbund Passau – Support for families and children: Sternstunden e.V. – Support for children, that are ill, handicapped or in trouble: UNICEF – United nations children’s fund, support for education: Merry Christmas as well as healthiness and satisfaction for the New Year! Picture: “Full steam ...