
Benefits of VSP63DL at a glance

  • Durable, elastic Pirani spiral coil filament
  • Stable measurements due to optimized temperature compensation
  • Integrated metal screen for protection against oil and solvent vapors
  • Overpressure stability up to 16 bar 

Benefits of VSM77D at a glance

  • Wide range combi sensor Pirani / cold cathode
  • Automatic control of the cold cathode by the Pirani, switch-on of cold cathode at low pressure increases lifetime, insensitive against inrush of air
  • Excellent ignition behavior
  • Low stray magnetic field
  • Overpressure stability up to 16 bar

Thermomechanical material testing

With quantum computers, physicists hope to be able to simulate all processes occuring in nature e. g. the creation of the universe and life. However, they still face major  technical challenges, as the quantum chips must be cooled down to temperatures close to absolute zero, meaning the components of a qunatum computer have to withstand extreme sub-zero temperatures. To analyse these components, custom-developed measuring gauges with a low-temperature option are required.

For this purpose, the Linseis Messgeräte GmbH developed the Cryo-TMA, a measuring device for thermomechanical materials testing that can analyze the components of a quantum computer. At 4 Kelvin the Cryo-TMA reaches a temperature of -269.15 °C and thereby nearly the absolute point-zero. The measuring device is mainly used for material characterization in space simulation.


A clean inert gas atmosphere is generated for the process. In this environment a powder bed-based melting process can take place without the risk of contamination from reactive gases present in the air, such as oxygen and carbon dioxide. The measuring chamber must be constantly evacuated to 1e-7 mbar.


For monitoring of the fore vacuum a Pirani vacuum transducer VSP63DL with integrated display is used. The high vacuum in the measuring chamber is controlled with the VSM77D vacuum transducer, a combination of Pirani and cold cathode. Thanks to the integrated Pirani sensor, the cold cathode is only switched on at low pressure, which protects the sensor from damage and thereby extends its service life. The measured values of both transducers are transferred and stored in the Linseis thermoanalysis software using the 0-10 V interface.

Source: Linseis Messgeräte GmbH, more details: YouTube

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