
Benefits at a glance

Analogline VSC43:

  • Chemical resistant ceramic sensor with FKM sealing
  • Gas type independent measurements
  • Standardized, linear output signal 0-10 V (four wire) or 4-20 mA (two wire)

Smartline VSM:

  • Wide range combi sensor Pirani /cold cathode
  • Robust sensor design
  • Insensitive against inrush of air

Wafer bonding

Wafer bonding is a procedural step in semiconductor technology, in which two wafers are joined. For certain applications, such as the encapsulation of chip sensors, this process takes place in a vacuum.


After loading, the bond chamber is first evacuated via a bypass by the backing pump. Once a set vacuum level is reached, a smooth switchover to the high vacuum pump follows. The actual bonding process is then performed under high vacuum conditions. During pump-down, the absolute pressure in the bypass-line must be accurately controlled in order to prevent damage to the high vacuum system. Whilst the actual bonding process, the vacuum inside the chamber must also be monitored to ensure the desired results.


A VSC43MA4 type rough vacuum transducer is used for controlling the bypass cycle. Its ceramic sensor measures absolute pressure with the required accuracy and is nearly maintenance-free. The process pressure of the bonding procedure is monitored by means of a VSM transducer with a Pirani/Cold Cathode combination sensor.

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