
Benefits VSH at a glance:

  • Wide range combination sensor Pirani / Bayard Alpert
  • Bayard Alpert with blowing resistant, yttrium coated double filament
  • Longterm tests confirm excellent life time: up to 100,000 shock venting cycles

Thin film coatings

Bte Bedampfungstechnik GmbH coats glass, metal and plastic with optical functional layers. For this purpose, metals (gold, silver, aluminium) or so-called dielectrics (TiO2, SiO2) are vaporized in a high vacuum.


In order to ensure a correct vaporization process, it is important to control and manage both the pressure in the fore-vacuum chamber and the pressure in the high vacuum chamber. Only if the pressure is within a defined range, a good quality of the vaporized products can be guaranteed.


To control the vacuum the transducers VSH88D (Pirani/hot cathode) and VSP63MV (Pirani, analogue) are used. These monitor and control the function of the fore and high vacuum pumping units and control and regulate the gas inlet if this is necessary for the process.


One of the core competencies of the Bte Bedampfungstechnik GmbH is the coating of optical components for technical applications. Bte has relied on Thyracont vacuum metrology for many years.

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