China’s state-owned enterprises are allowed to order measuring devices in Passau

China’s state-owned enterprises are allowed to order measuring devices in Passau

Thyracont receives audit certification

Five scientific associates from China had the possibility to have a look around at the headquarters of Thyracont Vacuum Instruments in Passau for two days.

At the end, CEO and founder Heinz Plöchinger was very pleased with the results: „During the audit, we received the message about our certification.“ Therefore, the gauges and documents of the Passau based company may now carry the official logo of the „China Academy of Space Technology“ (CAST) which is indispensable for business with Chinese companies. BOIMT is the calibration institute for space travel and high technology („CASC“) in China. A strategic partnership between Thyracont and the institute has been established this year. With the logo, however, businesses can be expanded as „all partly or fully state owned research institutes, universities, laboratories including the air and space travel development and production places in China are now able to order our approved gauges“ Plöchinger proudly explains. He started working on highly precise gauges 50 years ago in Mauth.

Today, the company has about 40 employees. As a result of the certification, Plöchinger expects „a significant expansion of our business with China“ as he points out in the interview with PNP.

Within the widely ramified Chinese research landscape with air and space travel, energy technologies (photovoltaics) or particle accelerators, the Bavarian company received access to this state-dominated area for the first time as „the institutes are told to only buy devices which are certified by BOIMT.“

Although Plöchinger certainly sees „new markets“ by the certification, he does not anticipate an explosion of business – and he is satisfied by this „because it correspondes with the sustainability philosophy of Thyracont: steady, controlled, self-financed growth.“