After a three-year break, the Lower Bavarian contest of Jugend forscht finally took place in attendance once more. On March 9th, about 150 young researchers competed against each other displaying their inventive ideas. One of the regional partners of the competition was Thyracont Vacuum Instruments.
Under the slogan „Macht Ideen groß!“ – make ideas big – the young talents presented projects from the fields of working world, biology, chemistry, mathematics, computer science, earth and space science, as well as physics and technology. Many of the projects concentrated on sustainability and climate protection, but also curios questions were answered such as “do sunflowers need sunscreen?”. The winning projects qualified for the federal competition by end of March, the national finals will be held in Bremen by end of May.
“To guarantee the continuous development of our company, active and longstanding research and development activities are of utmost importance for us”, says Thyracont CEO Frank P. Salzberger. The company therefore particularly supports young talents within MINT subjects, encourages their ideas and projects and their enthusiasm regarding sciences.
For decades now, Thyracont has actively engaged in the regional competition of Jugend forscht Lower Bavaria. This year, it was a great honor for CEO Heinz Plöchinger to be awarded as official sponsor by Ms. Kristina Ollrogge who specially came to Passau from Hamburg. “Lower Bavaria is the reserve of creativity for Germany”, said Mr. Plöchinger after Ms. Ollrogge’s speech at the competition.